This product is discontinued.
- USB to TTL level interface for CI-V Radios
- Pocket Sized USB Dongle Design
- Tested With Most Rig Control & Logging Software
- Compatible with USB 2.0 or Lower
* Accessory cables available to support radio models
- RIGtalk USB for Rig Control Interface
A DVD of the RIGblaster Software Collection is the standard media. If you are unable to use DVD media, you may request the software on a three (3) CD Set. When ordering online, in the comments section of the order form, type in "Request 3 CD Set". Alternately, the collection of software programs may be individually downloaded here.
Radio Cables
* Rig Control Cable for CI-V (Icom) Radios supports Tentec models: Omni VI+, Omni VI and Paragon II